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Software Engineering Week 1

Software Engineering 

Software engineering is an engineering discipline that concerns to all aspects of software development and software production.
Mentioned above is the typical definition of software engineering that should develop a mind setup of a student who is wiling to learn development of software. Now when we talk about development of software, its life cycle pops into our minds which is being taught in almost every educational institution. 


SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) is the basic and core concept of Software Engineering. SDLC include few steps that should be followed strictly in order to develop a software. Most common terms used for those steps are:
  • Analysis
  • Designing
  • Coding
  • Testing
  • Deployment and Maintenance 

 These steps are followed to develop a software. Firstly we should know what is a computer software.
A computer software is nothing but computer program and associated documentation.

Difference between computer science

Computer science focuses on the theory and the fundamentals of computer including computer's core concepts.
Software engineering is concerned with the practicalities of development and delivering a useful software.

Software Process

All set of activities which are used to develop a software system is called software process. Usually every organization may have a different software process but the core concept, the typical way used is same that are enlist above as steps of SDLC.

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