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Characteristics of Computer

Characteristics of Computer

Lets just enlist the characteristics of computer
  • Accuracy
  • Diligence
  • Speed
  • Remembering power
  • Versatility
  • Automatic
  • No IQ
  • No Feelings


As we already know that computer is an electronic machine. The name of this machine "Computer" explains much of the details about this heading. Since it is a computing device, it provides maximum accurate answer. Although it is an electronic device still it's calculated answer is not absolute accurate sometimes because it is a human product and also the input is given by the human beings which may be wrong.
Now the crux of the above discussion that you can write in any exam is that computer is a calculating device that provides the most accurate answer of different problems as compared to humans.


Since computer is a machine, a non living thing, it can work for hours and hours without getting tired. This is the beauty of Computer, humans can't stand against a computer if it comes to consistency.
Nothing can ever distract a computer from its works. Humans are a lot different from computers, either it is people we are surrounded or may be different things happening around us we humans are easily distracted.


Computer works very fast. It hardly takes few seconds for calculations that humans takes hours to complete. For computers we consider time in micro or even nanoseconds, that's how much fast are the computers.

Remembering Power

Humans can remember something they are being interacted with for several times but in computer's case it has hard disks which can store tons and tons of data. Even we can extend its memory. As humans forget things by the time but computers keep their data stored util they are made to forget it, which is said to be deleting the data.


Computers are totally versatile machines. They can perform different tasks on different occasions defined over different desires. 
Now if we talk about what you can write in quiz, Computers can perform different types of tasks, like they can be made to calculate sum of two integers next time they can be made to send a mail or play a video. 


Humans may make mistake in doing something they are once told to do but on the other hand computers can repeat same process as they are told automatically with same efficiency they performed initially.


Computer are totally dumb machines. They can't do anything on their own. They can't think on their own or they can't even decide anything on their own unless they are not told to do. As stupid as a rock which cannot move on its own the computers don't stand a chance against humans when it comes to decision making and intelligence.

No Feelings

Computers don't feel anything. They can't feel hunger, the can't feel pain, they don't get angry and they don't get happy. That is all just because computers are nonliving things.

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