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You may have been using variables and constants in since your 3rd grade. In any programming language same concept of variables is used which covers more than half of your code. Now is you have worked in C++ or Java or Python or any other programming language you may have used variables. If you are new to programming and you have started with C# its totally OK because you don't need any degree to learn programming.
Now what are the variables, to be precise variables are the empty shells which can be filled to their limit and their value can variate with the passage of time as required and manipulated on desire. 
Their are few types of variables:
Types Examples
Integral Types stype, byte, short, ushort, int, unit, long, ulong and char
Floating Point Types Floating and Double
Decimal Types Decimal
Boolean Types True or False value, as assigned
Nullable Types Nullable Data Types

Moving on we have some rules for declaring a variable. 

  • A variable must start with an alphabet or "-".
  • Good programming practice is to chose a noun as a variable name
  • There should be no empty space in between a variable name
  • Variables are case sensitive
  • Appropriate Data must be used
  • If you want to declare a Nullable variable ? must be used at the end of the data type.

  • Lets see an example

    namespace Variables
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                int data1;
                char data2';
                float data3;
                double data4;
                int? data5;
                Boolean data6;
                decimal data7;

    Initializing a variable

    To initialize a variable an assignment operator is used. Usually in common language we name the assignment as equal sign. Most importantly one should know what is actually initializing a variable, it's nothing but first time assignment of a variable. As C# is a purely object oriented language so we will talk in context of classes. We can initialize the variables when they are declared (but finals are initialized when declared strictly), we can also initialize the variables at run time.

    Lets see an example

    namespace Variables
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
               int data1=0;
               char data2='0';
               float data3=(float)0.0;
               double data4=0.0;
               int? data5=null;
               Boolean data6=false;
               decimal data7=3.3m;
            }     } }

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