Make it easy Out of oven For a long time blockchain have been known as a theory but bitcoin changed it all. On January 3 2009 bitcoin actually came into existence. Satoshi Nakamoto found something unusual. With the concept of blockchain and mined very first block of bitcoin with reward of 50 bitbucks known as bitcoins. (ok enough with history class lets jump into fun part now). Fun part Bitcoin: Knock knock! Currency: who is there! Bitcoin: Full stop Trolling banks and financial departments of Europe and America, Bitcoin flew from ground to paramount in no time leaving others waving. For a very long time brokers have been piercing your gold mines with hammers but Bit dude being a good sheriff said "Stop that" Brokers: "Why" Bit dude: "I wanna take over" Brokers: "With what army" Bit dude: "This army 'anonymous transactions' " Brokers: "Fair enough" With course of few years bitcoin went through so many ups and downs...